By Published On: May 31, 2022

If you are thinking of purchasing real estate in Ottawa, it might be a good idea to get in touch with a real estate lawyer. A lawyer helps you in making sure that all your documents are in place and that all your rights are protected. Here are some tips that will help you in choosing a good real estate lawyer in Ottawa:

Get in Touch With a Real Estate Lawyer As Soon As Possible

You should start looking for the real estate lawyer around the same time you start looking for the property. This way you will have time to choose someone who is actually fit for the job, instead of picking one at the last minute.

Take Recommendations from Other People

If you know someone who has purchased a home or any piece of property recently, don’t hesitate in contacting them and asking for recommendations. You can also get in touch with your real estate agent and ask them for help. Make sure that you ask how much the lawyer charges and if they will be able to handle your case.

Pick Someone with Experience

You need someone who knows how to handle real estate transactions. If you aren’t sure about who you should hire, it is recommended that you get in touch with the local bar association and see if they can recommend someone to you.

Do Your Research Online

If someone recommends an attorney to you, the next step is to go to their website and look for the following things:

  • Their background.
  • Their credentials.
  • What they specialize in.
  • What their business style is.
  • Their contact information.
  • If they have any local office (Opt for a local lawyer as you will have to meet them multiple times).
  • Reviews given by their previous clients.

Interview Them

After you have shortlisted the attorneys, you should interview them in person, but make sure that you ask if they will be charging you for the interview. Some of the things that you should ask them are:

  • Their background
  • Their experience.
  • The number of closings they have in a month.
  • The kind of services that they are offering you.
  • Inquire about their fee structure.

Questions to Ask Them

Here are some questions that you should ask them:

  • Have you handled similar cases before?
  • How will you handle my case?
  • How will you be billing me?
  • Are you the only one who will be working on my case?
  • How will I be able to contact you in the case of an emergency?

Get Everything in Writing

After you have selected the attorney, read the agreement as that will state the services that they will be offering you and at what cost. Make sure that you understand all the terms and agreements before signing the retainer agreement.

 Get in touch with our real estate lawyers in Ottawa by emailing us at

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